Jane Wyman was mortified

Jane Wyman mortified

Have you ever been mortified? I mean really embarrassed by something you did or someone else did to you? President Ronald Reagan’s former wife Jane Wyman knew exactly what this experience felt like. Consider her story …

The most embarrassing moment in the life of Jane Wyman happened when she was entertaining very special guests. After looking over all the arrangements carefully, she wrote a note to her husband and put it on the guest towels. The note read, “If you use these, I will murder you.”

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Not your typical hockey shootout

Not your typical hockey shootout

Two adult brothers watching the great Canadian past-time of hockey in their living room in a very remote area of northern Ontario. It was your typical Saturday night, and the game was contentious, unfortunately, so were the brothers. It was not your typical hockey shootout.

You see, one brother cheered for one team while the second brother cheered for the other. As the game went on, one of the teams was getting the upper hand and it looked quite obvious that they were going to win the match. This was good news for one of the men, bad news for the other.

As the game drew towards its completion near the end of the third period, the brothers were in a tizzy. They both were opinionated men and in both of their opinions, their perspective team was better than the other. They were passionate fans in the truest sense.

Not your typical hockey shootout, but 2 games for the price of 1

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On top of the world

On top of the world

How would you like to set out on a quest to be on top of the world? A quest is an adventurous journey undergone by the main character or protagonist of a story. The protagonist usually meets with and overcomes a series of obstacles, returning in the end with the benefits of knowledge and experience from his or her quest. It’s time to see yourself as such an adventurer.

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