Things that were ok in one generation may not be acceptable in another. Walt Disney Production’s Song of the South, with its popular song Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, is now heavily criticized for its African American depictions. Today, you would have a tough time finding this movie anywhere as Disney has not re-released it since its last theatrical release in 1986.
Peter Pan is another popular Disney movie that has now come under harsh criticism for its racist Native American portrayals. What may be applauded in one generation may be attacked in another.
Does God change? Well does He?
In a similar way, what is acceptable by God as a standard of living in one period may not be acceptable in another. The Bible itself, tells us when God brings forth a change in responsibility for mankind. Theologians call these changes Dispensations. God dispenses His authority over mankind in different ways through the course of history.
One such dispensational change in the Bible has to do with how a person was treated for such sexual sins as adultery or homosexuality. During Old Testament times in Israel, the Jews were commanded by God’s Word to put such people to death. Today, however, there is no such command for Christians to do likewise.

Some Christians do not accept the idea of dispensationalism as they say that God does not change. According to Holy Scripture, this most certainly is true. It is true that God does not change but we are not talking about His personality or character, we are talking about God’s plan for mankind.
15 changes for human history
Over the course of time, God has made 15 changes to the lives of men, women, boys, and girls everywhere. God has always had one goal and that was to have those created in His image become His eternal dear children. It is one thing to be created, it is another thing to be adopted as children.
Because of free will and man’s choice for sin, God has laid out a course for mankind to bring the promise of full forgiveness. This course comes with a series of changes over a period of thousands of years. It consists of 15 changes to be exact. Snippets of each of these changes have been sampled over the past 30 weeks on this blog.
These 15 changes that occur chronologically in the Bible have changed how mankind lives in a favourable way toward God. Conveniently, the 15 changes all start with the letter C. I call them the 15 Cs of human history. In chronological order they include:

Go back before moving forward
I encourage you to go back and re-examine the previous blog posts for yourself. Each of these changes that God has added into His plan for man’s full redemption has at least one unique effect that is still seen to this day. For example, what happened to Noah during the Flood to some extent is still experienced and witnessed by us today.
In future posts, I will depart from providing chronological Bible events but will continually add amazing stories and will list which of the 15 C’s they belong in. My plan for this blog is to demonstrate that life is not blindly following a course of accidental events, but rather it is following on schedule God’s plan for mankind’s history, leading from the garden of Eden into the New Jerusalem.
Want to take a journey? Stay tuned to this blog site!